My Story
Welcome to my Scentsy website! My name is Karen Fettes and I'm an Independent Scentsy SuperStar Director. I'd love to tell you a bit about my Scentsy business.
I joined Scentsy in November 2008 with little intention to do anything other than support my own Scent Addiction. I loved the product, but I had no direct selling experience. In fact, to be honest, I didn't love the idea of Direct Selling. I thought you had to be pushy to be successful in Direct Sales - and I was not one of those people! I had no idea then that the $99 that I paid for my Enrollment Kit would be the best $99 I have ever spent in my entire life! Little did I know it at the time, but my "little Scentsy business" would become something incredible and would change so much for my family! You don't have to be pushy to have success with Scentsy. You don't have to convince people to buy, host, or sell. The product is amazing. Honestly, who doesn't try Scentsy and experience love at first smell?
My husband is a US Marine and we have 3 kids. That means a very hectic schedule as well as moving, deployments, and ongoing change for everyone. When I signed up to sell Scentsy, I didn't have any intention of turning this into a full time job or something that could support my entire family, but that is exactly what has happened in the last 39 months! Scentsy has been an incredible blessing for my family and has allowed us many opportunities that I never would have expected! We've been on some amazing Scentsy incentive trips including an Alaskan Cruise and a trip to the Big Island of Hawaii. In addition, we have moved cross country and I was able to not just take my business with me but have a business that has grown and thrived even in the face of all of this change! Through my Scentsy business I have found myself and realized that not only can I run a successful business but that I can be a great leader too!
What do I love about my Scentsy business?
First, I love the products! They are just amazing! The quality, the scent throw, the safety! I don't have to worry about flamed candles or danger to my children! No soot, no wick, no flame!
Next, I love the company! The ethos of Scentsy is based on the principles of Authenticity, Generosity, and Simplicity! The entire company is founded on the concept of Giving More Than You Take...and they do just that in about every way possible! I am so proud to be a small part of something so amazing!
I also love the flexibility and freedom that my Scentsy business has given to me. You will absolutely get out of your business what you put into it and I do work hard, BUT I work on MY SCHEDULE! I don't have to miss my children's important events at school. I don't have to ask for time off when my little one is sick. I schedule my business around my life - and not my life around my business! Scentsy is a family business for us and everyone helps out! My children are even actively involved and my biggest supporters! In fact, they had a blast on the last Scentsy Incentive Trip which was a family trip to Walt Disney World!
Lastly, I love my Scentsy group and my Scentsy family! I am so blessed to lead such an amazing Scentsy group! These men and women are just wonderful! They tell me often that I inspire them...what they don't realize is that THEY really are the ones that inspire and motivate me every day!
If you'd like more information about buying, hosting, or joining Scentsy...I'd love to chat with you. I promise no arm twisting and no pressure. Regardless of whether you are looking for a little extra income or a full time job, the possibilities are truly endless with Scentsy. You absolutely get out of it what you put into it, but dream big because the sky is the limit! If you had told me 39 months ago that my "little candle business" would have changed everything for us, I would not have believed you. If you had told me that I would have a group of over twenty five hundred consultants all over the US, Canada, in Europe, and on military bases overseas...I would have told you that you were crazy! If you had told me that I would have been the 1st SuperStar Director in the state of California a short 18 months after starting my business...I would have laughed at you! But THIS is what is possible if you work hard, aim high, and dream big.
What kind of Scentsy story could YOU be writing over the next year? What could that $99 enrollment kit do for your life? You'll never know unless you take the leap and get started!